
Download PortableApps Platform 26.0
Download PortableApps Platform 26.0

download PortableApps Platform 26.0

statfs.Sta tFsHelper ->ensureIn itialized: 9Ĭhecks an internet connection is available

download PortableApps Platform 26.0

Source: com.facebo ok.cache.d isk.Defaul tDiskStora ge ->isExt ernal:71 Source: com.RNFetc hBlob.Util s.PathReso lver ->get RealPathFr omURI:28 Source: com.RNFetc hBlob.RNFe tchBlobFS ->getSyste mfolders:2 40 Source: com.RNFetc hBlob.RNFe tchBlobFS ->getSyste mfolders:2 36ĪPI Call: android.os. Source: com.RNFetc hBlob.RNFe tchBlobFS ->df:136 Environme nt.getExte rnalStorag eDirectory Source: com.learni um.RNDevic eInfo.RNDe viceModule ->getFree DiskStorag e:232ĪPI Call: android.os. Report size exceeded maximum capacity and may have missing dynamic data code.Report size exceeded maximum capacity and may have missing disassembly code.

download PortableApps Platform 26.0

  • Not all non-executed APIs are in report.
  • Not all executed log events are in report (maximum 10 identical API calls).
  • No simulation commands forwarded to apk.
  • Excluded domains from analysis (whitelisted):, android.l., mobile-gtalk.l., googleapis.l.,, ,, youtube-ui.l.,, dl.,, 2.,, ssl-google-analytics.l.,.

  • Download PortableApps Platform 26.0