If you don’t get enough vitamin D due to limited sun exposure or not eating enough foods with vitamin D in them, you can take a multivitamin. Your body will not overproduce vitamin D. It is recommended that you should get at least 1,000 IUs of vitamin D daily in addition to getting exposure to the sun. It also occurs naturally in salmon, tuna, and eggs. In many of our foods s ome of our foods milk, yogurt, breakfast cereal, and bread are fortified with vitamin D. If you have limited exposure with the sun, whether it is because you work indoors or live somewhere that does not get a lot of suns, you should make sure to eat foods that are good sources of vitamin D. Our bodies naturally produce vitamin D when we are exposed to the sun. Get as much exposure to the sun as you possibly can. While you are out in the sun, make sure you use a good sunscreen to prevent burns. When you are out in the sun, your body naturally produces vitamin D. How Can We Make Sure We Get Enough Vitamin D?