In this version, the character is the result of a military experiment to create the perfect nanite-enhanced soldier - one who is given false memories of his targets killing his family in order to make him a more effective assassin. Notably, Vin Diesel is labelled in the IMDB credits as Garrison rather than Mortalli, suggesting the movie is playing down the mob elements of the original story, or switching the history around so that he was Mortalli before he was Garrison rather than the other way round.Īccording to the trailer, much of the plot of the Bloodshot film is taken from the 2012 to 2014 "Volume Three" of the character. The superhero is still a result of a scientific experiment he entered into against his will, but this time there is more of a backstory before he becomes Bloodshot, as he realizes he may have been someone else before he became Mortalli called Raymond Garrison.

In the so-called "Volume Two" incarnation of Bloodshot, which ran in 19, the origin gets more complicated.

The idea of Bloodshot being a superhero (or perhaps more accurately, anti-hero) infused with nanites is central to all versions of the comic book character, but the origin story has developed over the years since his first incarnation. This procedure, however, also had the drawback of erasing his memories, leaving the newly-named Bloodshot angry at an unspecified cause and trying to discover his past. They made him part of Project Rising Spirit, which saw his body pumped full of miniscule robots calls nanites which gave him powers like ultrafast healing, superstrength and control of electronic devices among other abilities. In his original incarnation, which ran from 1993 to 1996, Bloodshot was Angelo Mortalli, a member of the mob who is framed for murder, put into witness protection and is then betrayed by the FBI. The character made his debut in 1992, but has been rebooted multiple times since then, with his origin story changing slightly each time. release on March 13 (after releases across the world earlier in the week). Vin Diesel is about to make his debut as the Valiant Comics character Bloodshot in a movie set for U.S.